Do you know ? Why Is Tiger Woods So Great a Golfer?

Posted by Muangthai Agent | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 8/07/2552 01:49:00 ก่อนเที่ยง

Tiger Woods during a practice round prior to t...Image via Wikipedia
Do you know ? Why Is Tiger Woods So Great a Golfer?
A lot of those who follow professional golfers have asked: "Why Tiger Woods is so great, how can we be consistent in its tournament to tournament? Tiger Woods What makes it different from other operators to do the same success." There are many theories about because, as there are questions. Some say it's all about the bet, while others say their units are strong for its success. Some say that their physical strength and power are responsible for their big game, while others say it is an incredible golf swing.
These statements can be true or false they are. Getting answers to these questions depend largely on the type of player of the respondents, and from any perspective, the answer comes. One thing that we all have to admit, if they like it or not, is that Tiger is the best golf swing today

These are the 4 key elements of Tiger Woods swing:

1. At the start of his swing, Tiger uses the incredible flexibility he has to really reach way back. If you look, you will see he reaches farther back than any other golfer on the pro tour, an obvious advantage he has. He extends his range of motion to a maximum while keeping his torso lined up straight over his right leg.

2. Because of this backswing, when he begins the downswing, Tiger has already built up some great clubhead speed and force. He accomplishes this by turning his torso rapidly and then pushing his right leg forward towards the swing direction. You also notice how little, if any, energy he wastes on the golf swing. He optimizes energy use by keeping a perfectly straight line above the ball. Aside from the velocity and the force from his shoulders and arms, he uses his upper body strength in the swing as he pushes forward.

3. Then Woods continues by driving the clubhead through the ball using maximum clubhead to ball contact in order to avoid the chance of slicing or chopping the ball. By using the force from his shoulders, wrists and hips, Tiger concentrates the force of impact and produces a very high initial ball speed. His ball speed has been measured at over 175 miles per hour only 2-3 feet from the tee which is 20-30 mph faster than the average pro.

4. Most amateurs, including myself, overlook the importance of the follow-through; the after impact motion that further controls the ball and helps achieve full motion swing fluidity. Tiger Woods is the master of the follow through, allowing the clubhead's momentum to lengthen his complete swing and keeping the force of the swing at a maximum level from start to finish of the swing. This culminates in a long and smooth rotation of the clubhead as it wraps far around his back.
So there you have the 4 key elements of the Tiger Woods golf swing. A swing that has produced more tour wins than any other pro in history.

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